The Wise Art of Unshackling Scripture using Midrash

The Wise Art of Unshackling Scripture using Midrash

The word midrash (midrashim, plural) is a Hebrew word meaning “to search out, to seek, to inquire.”[1]

 Midrash is the imaginative retelling of a story, based on the facts we know, and imaginatively filling out

those areas about which there is no record. Midrashim tend to have three basic elements: they are responses

to a specific text or a life story in history, they are imaginative, and they aim to give voice the silences, the unknown,

and the white spaces between words. Midrashic ‘giving voice’ can release silences into the wide realm of images, art, drama,

poetry, prose and music. Engaging our imaginations with Scripture enables transformative encounters with God, and is a

wonderful process to share in a small community, as this course offers.

[1] Curzon, Modern Poems on the Bible, 4.


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